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Current Verison:

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Release DEX:

Format: Release Name 〢 v0.0.0

First Number: Features and/or core chnages.

Second Number: Stability updates and improovements on the existing version.

Third Number: Design and/or minor chnages of the same version.

Release 〢 2.3.2 (30.01.2022)

Fixed minor spelling mistakes. Adjusted general parameters and added consistency in the design regarding the name. "Smart 301" instead of "Smart301".

Release 〢 2.3.1 (06.06.2021)

Made a global background and centralized all the pages towards one stylesheet in order to create a global and recognizable style of the app for all the contend within it. Updated the Socials sharing preview for a more personalized experience and centralized the code behind the Social feature interface.

Release 〢 2.2.0 (05.06.2021)

Added support for broken links. If a link is broken, you have the possibility to report it with 2 clicks using your email address.

Release 〢 2.1.0 (01.06.2021)

Added deep linking for Instagram and Twitter. Fixed the Core feature that prevented the web version of working properly.

Release 〢 1.33.4 (28.05.2021)

Back end management and Front End changes regarding the UI.

Release 〢 1.32.3 (25.05.2021)

Stability improvements and global design change.

Release 〢 1.0.0 (24.05.2021)

Every original YouTube link can generate a valid dynamic link.